Spring 2013


Quote . . . . .


"Creativity is intelligence having fun"

-Albert Einstein


Welcome . . . . .

Who can keep track of (and who really wants to!?) the trend in the better homes and gardens and how home improvement effects where we dwell? And, attempting to make it better, and stay in- style while living our city life, north shore living or country life? Not to mention how in vogue a color palette is for our traditional home or apartment living?

Spoof though it may be (and they're all wonderful resources for ideas!), working with a designer concentrating on you, and your favorite things is the way to go.

My thought about trends...

The only trend that's important is the trend that improves your home and your life---and even then it requires some evaluation and strategic decision making.


Design Dilemma . . . . .


City condo. One main room. Lots of "stuff".

The newest photographs I've posted on my website, some included in this newsletter, illustrate a highly successful city dwelling for 3. Two full time careers, one home office, one toddler, and a lot of business travel drove the creative solutions now in place. All but one piece was custom designed and built to accommodate my client's criteria. Each piece has a story and multiple specific purposes. This client is thrilled with the final result and is now happily enjoying an organized and optimized environment.


Designing Forward. . . . .

Recently Completed

Gorgeous and 'entertaining ready' Great Room and Dining room...soon to be photographed!
Traditional Master Suite for an empty nester couple
Living Room and Dining Room in a city condominium
2 story Great Room—that is truly 'great'! Also...soon to be photographed.

Currently working on

Living Room and Dining Room for a city client
Space planning, color consultations and purchasing plans for empty nesters
Final furnishings, art selection, and details of projects for several clients


Trivia . . . . .

Television Statistics

According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube. Mad Men anyone??


About Paula . . . . .

Paula Winter received her B.S. in Interior Design from the University of Illinois. She is an Allied Member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and a Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS). Paula brings her 30+ years of professional design experience, as well as her originality and knowledge, to Paula Winter Design, Ltd. A love of artistic expression has led her to compliment her interior design skills with such varied creative venues as clothing design, ceramics, photography, and jewelry. Paula prides herself on bringing freshness, creativity, and extended experience to every project. She is approachable, compassionate, and regards her clients as full partners in the design process. By doing this, clients realize their goals while ensuring the resulting space is functional, beautiful, and uniquely expressive.

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©2013 Paula Winter Design, Ltd. | 60035